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Some links on Naturalskies website are affiliated links, which means if you click on the link and make a purchase, I will make a small commission at no cost to the user. Those links will be in bold or have a "*" as a full discloser. Naturalskies LLC does not claim to share the same views or expressions of any brands posted on this site. All sponsored posts are and will be clearly disclosed. All products promoted on Naturalskies site have been used by me before being promoted.
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All posts on Naturalskies website are based on opinion. Readers should research all product, food, and travel information before use, and consult a licensed professional if necessary. Naturalskies LLC will not be held responsible for damages or issues arising from using products featured on said website. Posts on Naturalskies website are for entertainment and/or informational purposes only and should not be viewed as any kind of advice for medical, legal, emotional or other types of advice. Use of product is at reader’s own risk.
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